What is Travis Peak Doing in Response to COVID-19?

There are
currently no known cases related to anyone at Travis Peak. We are below the
size limit being suggested for indoor gatherings.

Our current service and class schedule will remain the same. However,
there are 2 parts of the Sunday morning service that will change
Communion and the Contribution. We are temporarily moving to prepackaged
bread and juice. These packages will be distributed by persons wearing
gloves as you enter the auditorium. If we miss anyone a package will be
handed to them at the start of the service. There will be a collection
plate at the front and back of the auditorium and everyone is asked to
place their contribution in one of those locations at the end of the

We will
continue to prayerfully monitor the situation and inform the congregation of
any changes as soon as possible. We post these updates on our private Facebook page
and our website. We will also email those we have email addresses for. In the
event that the news impacts those without internet access people will be
contacted by phone.

Please make
sure your email address is in the directory and that you check it daily for
news. If you are also a Facebook user but are not seeing the private church
page contact Tamra to be added to the private group.

You are
encouraged to stay home if you are sick and to let us know if you or someone
you know needs assistance.

actions to consider:

  • Pray for those impacted physically and for those who are overly stressed due to concern.
  • The world is watching how Christians respond to this. Our response must be different than the world’s response.
  • Do not hoard, be calm and look for opportunities to share and assist.
  • Stay with the facts be careful what you post, read, forward, speak about. In everything focus on the good (Phil. 4:8).

you have additional thoughts or comments that will help during this time please
contact Glen, Jerry, Allen, or Dean.