Million Dollar Sunday

Million Dollar Sunday is EEM’s annual fundraising campaign to help directly fund a wide variety of unique opportunities to share God’s Word in Eastern Europe and beyond. September 30th there will be a special contribution for EEM. They are asking for your help to provide more Bibles in more countries – The opportunity is now – send the Good News of Jesus to the hopeless and lost.

A few of EEM’s highlighted opportunities for 2018 include requests for:

  • 200,000 Bibles and Bible-based curriculum in public schools in four regions of Ukraine.
  • 180,000 Bibles and Bible-based materials for partners in Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus
  • 100,000 Bibles and Bible-based materials in Romania
  • 10,000 Bibles in Serbia
  • 10,000 Bibles in Poland

Join EEM’s Million Dollar Sunday fundraising campaign to share God’s Word in 2018.  Learn more at