Sunday, January 8, LTC team event practices will begin after lunch. Those of you who have signed up should have received a letter and schedule in the mail. If you need to check the schedule there is one posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.
For those leaving for Winterfest in Arlington, the van leaves the building at 3 pm on Friday, January 13th. Bring money for food and souvenirs. The van will return on Sunday afternoon. There will be no LTC practices on January 15th.
The subscriptions for the Gospel Minutes, Power for Today, and the Christian Chronicle are being updated. If you would like to be taken off or put on the lists, please indicate so on the lists posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.
As part of the church directory update, we will be taking new pictures on Sunday, February 5th and Sunday, February 12th . If your family cannot be available for these dates, please contact Dean for other arrangements.