Holiday Schedule

Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th there will be a time of worship at 11 am with songs, readings from the Gospels and communion. The 10 am auditorium adult Bible class will be cancelled that day. Wednesday, December 27th the mid-week 7 pm Bible study will not meet. The 10 am auditorium class on The Gospel … [Read more…]

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Our mid-week Bible study is cancelled this Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve. Instead, there will be a special service of thanksgiving at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to come join the service in the auditorium. The mid-week Bible study will resume Wednesday, November 29th with the next lesson in The Early Christian Letters series, “Stand Firm” (1 … [Read more…]

Bible Study of 1 Peter Starts Wednesday, October 18th

Our mid-week Bible study series has finished the first letter, James. The next letter in the series, “The Early Christian Letters”, is 1 Peter. The first lesson in 1 Peter is Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 7 pm. Below is a list of lessons covering 1 & 2 Peter: