Ladies Bible Study Cancelled 1-2-2019
Due to the weather the class will not meet today (1-2-2019). We’ll resume class next Wednesday (1-9) at 10 AM weather permitting. Read chapter 5 of “Prescriptions for a Woman’s Soul”.
Due to the weather the class will not meet today (1-2-2019). We’ll resume class next Wednesday (1-9) at 10 AM weather permitting. Read chapter 5 of “Prescriptions for a Woman’s Soul”.
This Wednesday (1-2-2019) at 7 PM we will start a new five-session video Bible study, “God Heard Their Cry”, by Ray Vander Laan. This series illustrates how God answered the cry of the Israelites as they were persecuted in Egypt, and made himself known to both them and their oppressors. In these lessons, discover how … [Read more…]