New Sunday Evening Video Series

Sunday, July 23rd we will start a new video series from Ray Vander Laan during the 6 pm service.  “A Clash of Kingdoms” follows how Paul communicated the Good News of Christ to the Roman world. Experience the Bible in historical context as Ray Vander Laan takes you in the footsteps of the second missionary tour … [Read more…]

July Food Pantry Shopping List

The food pantry shopping list for July is: chicken helper, canned chicken, canned corn, canned peaches, vegetable soup (family size). Please place your items in the box in the foyer that is provided. Thank you to all who help in this ministry!

New Speaker this Sunday

This Sunday, July 2nd, Brent Franques will present the morning sermon at 11 am. For those who don’t know, Brent is a home grown Travis Peak member who went to Bolivia as part of the AIM program.  He attended South Texas International School of Preaching after completing the AIM program, which stands for Adventures in … [Read more…]