Service for Lessie Warren

This past Wednesday morning (November 16) Lessie Warren, Lora Warren’s mother, passed away. Her funeral services will be at noon Saturday, November 19, 2016 at Travis Peak Church of Christ with internment following at the Singleton Family Cemetery. After the burial please come to the church for fellowship and lunch.  Beck Funeral home in Cedar … [Read more…]

Thanksgiving Eve Service and Ladies Bible Class

Wednesday, November 23rd, at 7pm we will have our annual Thanksgiving eve service lead by the Hance family. Everyone will meet in the auditorium. There will be no Ladies Bible class Wednesday, November 23rd. Class will resume on November 30th.

Thanksgiving Boxes

Donations for our Thanksgiving boxes are due this coming Sunday, November 13th. Please place all pantry items in the box in the foyer. Frozen turkeys and pies should go in the freezer in the kitchen. Thank you for helping with this ministry.