New Study for Ladies Bible Class

Wednesday, October 26, the Ladies Bible class will be starting a new book, Whatever Happened to Fried Chicken? by Celine Sparks. If you’ve thought about joining the ladies now is a good time to jump in.

LTC Kickoff Meeting

Sunday, November 6th after the potluck luncheon (around 2 pm) there will be a meeting for everyone involved in LTC, parents, participants and volunteers. The meeting will go over the Church Behavior Agreement, pass out the student registration sheets and sign up the Event Coordinators. The participants will have until November 27th to return their … [Read more…]

News 10-16-2016

We’re having a game night on Friday, October 21st, starting at 6:30 pm. Bring snacks and drinks to share and any game you wish. Also, we will have a pantry packing party at the same time. Any help is appreciated. There is a Winterfest sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer. It will … [Read more…]