Spring 2018 Garage Sale

From Terry: A big thank you to all that participated in and supported the Church Garage Sale! Your efforts added $470 to our Youth Scholarship Fund. Graham was the winner of the Free Throw Tournament making an astounding 70% of his shots! Carlos and Destin were the winners of the Horse Shoe Tournament. Congratulations to … [Read more…]

Cherokee Children’s Home Annual Food Drive

Cherokee Day Open House and Food Drive Cherokee Day Open House and Food Drive is Saturday, May 5th.  We will have special contribution for their food drive on Sunday, April 29th.  If you would like to donate, please earmark your check or cash donation “Cherokee Food Drive”. For more information about Cherokee Children’s Home follow … [Read more…]

April Food Pantry Shopping list

The food pantry shopping list for April is spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned spinach, instant pudding, canned milk, chicken noodle soup (family size), and peanut butter. We will be distributing sacks of food during the garage sale.

Spring Garage Sale

The garage sale is only four weeks away (April 27th and 28th). Please let Terry know if you have anything unique to sell so it can be included in an add on Craig’s List. We are also planning on having a basketball tournament (Horse and Free Throw), a Horse Shoe tournament, and hot dogs and … [Read more…]

New Wednesday Evening Series

Wednesday, April 4th we will start a new video lesson series “The Early Church”. The four lessons will cover four of the churches in Revelation: Sardis – The Salt of the Earth Rev. 3:1-6 Pergamum – Where Satan Lives Rev. 2:12-17 Ephesus – The Mark of the Beast Rev. 2:1-7 Laodicea – Hot or Cold … [Read more…]

New Wednesday Evening Series

Wednesday, February 14th, at 7 pm the adult Bible study will start a new series of video lessons from Ray Vander Laan, “In the Dust of the Rabbi”.  The lessons will cover Jesus’ ministry in Israel and will be an hour long.

Valentine’s Social

Several of the LTC youth are hosting a Valentine’s Social next Saturday, February 10 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the church. You’re asked to bring a finger food to share and a picture of someone you love.  If you have any questions contact Jennifer.

Funeral for Flo Fuller

We are saddened to report that Flo Fuller passed away Thursday morning. Her funeral is 10 am Saturday in Kingsland, Texas. The Putnam Funeral Home in Kingsland is handling the arrangements.  Here is the link to her obituary and funeral plans. Obituary for Flora Fuller – KINGSLAND, TX Flora Mae ‘Flo’ Fuller, 79, of Lago … [Read more…]

New Ladies Bible Study

The ladies Bible class will be starting a new study, “Seeking Spiritual Beauty” by Shelia Keckler Butt.  As Christian women, we must ask ourselves if we are living by God’s standards or the world’s. Examine God’s plan for your spiritual makeover as you study these 13 lessons. The group meets on Wednesdays at 10 am … [Read more…]