July Food Pantry Shopping List

The food pantry shopping list for July is: chicken helper, canned chicken, canned corn, canned peaches, vegetable soup (family size). Please place your items in the box in the foyer that is provided. Thank you to all who help in this ministry!

New Speaker this Sunday

This Sunday, July 2nd, Brent Franques will present the morning sermon at 11 am. For those who don’t know, Brent is a home grown Travis Peak member who went to Bolivia as part of the AIM program.  He attended South Texas International School of Preaching after completing the AIM program, which stands for Adventures in … [Read more…]

World Bible School Benefit Dinner

The World Bible School Austin benefit dinner is Friday, August 11 at 6:30 pm at the Renaissance Austin Hotel in the Arboretum.  The featured speaker is Chris Magadu, WBS follow-up coordinator for Zimbabwe. He will share some wonderful stories of how WBS and God have been working in that country. It will be an inspiring … [Read more…]

Sunday Evening Video Series

Sunday, June 11, we will start a new video series from Ray Vander Laan at the 6 pm service. “Walk as Jesus Walked” follows the apostle Paul and other early Christians as the lessons lead us through cities such as Aphrodisias, Antioch Pisidia, Lystra, and Cappadocia in ancient Asia Minor.

June Food Pantry Shopping List

The food pantry shopping list for June is: canned meat (beef), instant mashed potato, green beans, pudding, chicken noodle soup (family size).  Please place these items in the box provided in the foyer. Thank you to all who participate in this ministry.

Ladies Bible Class

Wednesday, May 24th, the Ladies Bible class will have its last meeting before the summer break. The class will resume Wednesday, September 6th.

May Singing Service Date Moved

For this month only, our scheduled monthly singing service will be moved from the fourth Wednesday evening (Wednesday, May 24) to the fifth Wednesday, May 31st.  This coming Wednesday we will have our regular adult Bible study, “Satan’s Tactics: the war for our hearts and souls”.

Leadership Training for Christ 2017 Awards

We are so proud of our youth! It was amazing last Sunday to watch them perform their puppet show, drama, speeches, singing, and signing that they presented at the L.T.C. Convention. Our youth received 90 total medals: 56 gold, 9 silver and 25 bronze. A special THANK YOU to all of the volunteers so willing … [Read more…]

May Food Pantry Shopping List

The shopping list for May for our food pantry is: beef stew, beef or chicken vegetable soup (family size), crackers, fruit cups and peanut butter. Please place the items in the box that is provided in the foyer. Thank you for your participation in this ministry. Several bags of groceries were handed out during our … [Read more…]