Sping Garage Sale

We are only 7 weeks from our next Garage Sale/Farmers Market scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 28 and 29. This is also a fund raiser for our Youth Scholarship Fund. Please let Terry know if you plan to participate.

Food Pantry and Bags for the Homeless

We will be making bags for the homeless in the month of March. Items needed for the bags are travel size toiletries, pre-packaged snacks and fleece blankets. Please place any of these donations in the box in the foyer marked for the homeless bags. The pantry shopping list for the food pantry for the month … [Read more…]

New Ladies Bible Class Study

The Ladies Bible class that meets on Wednesdays at 10am will be starting a new study based on the book, “The Begging Place” by Becky Blackmon. It is a study of prayer for Christian women. If you’ve been thinking of visiting the ladies class this Wednesday (February 22) would be a good day to come!

Directory Update

For those who haven’t had their picture taken (or want a re-shoot) for the directory update, this coming Sunday, February 19, is going to be the last day to have that done. Hopefully we will have 100% participation by the end of the project. Thanks to all who have already turned in their information and … [Read more…]

Announcements 2-5-2017

We will be taking pictures Sunday, February 5 and 12 for the new church directory. If you are unable to make either Sunday please contact Dean. Sunday, February 5 is the last day to change your subscription for the Christian Chronicle, Power for Today, and the Gospel Minutes. Please check over the lists on the bulletin … [Read more…]

February Shopping List

February’s shopping list for the food pantry: macaroni & cheese, spam, green beans, apple sauce and chicken noodle soup (family size). Please place these items in the box that is provided in the foyer. Thank you to everyone who helps in this ministry.

New Sunday Morning Adult Study

  This Sunday, February 5th, the morning adult auditorium class will be starting a new study, “Living a Life that Matters.” This study offers insights from Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes that help us develop the attitudes we really need, guide us in what actions we need to take and help us cultivate habits we need … [Read more…]

Announcements 1-22-2017

Wednesday, January 18, a new adult Bible series started, “The Christian Path” a study of James. Its focus is on what Christian living is all about. LTC team event practices will resume Sunday, January 22. If you aren’t sure when your team practices are check the bulletin board in the foyer for the schedule. This … [Read more…]

Announcements 1-8-2017

Sunday, January 8, LTC team event practices will begin after lunch. Those of you who have signed up should have received a letter and schedule in the mail. If you need to check the schedule there is one posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. For those leaving for Winterfest in Arlington, the van … [Read more…]

Announcements 1-3-2017

Ladies don’t forget Bible study will resume this Wednesday, January 4th at 10 am. See you there! The pantry item shopping list for January is tuna helper, chicken helper, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned corn, and canned peaches. Please place your donations in the box in the foyer. We are updating the church’s subscription lists … [Read more…]