Announcements 8-20-2016

Travis Peak will be having a special contribution on Sunday, August 28th for Eastern European Missions (EEM) ‘Million Dollar Sunday’. Money from this special contribution will be sent to EEM to help provide Bibles to public schools in Ukraine, Croatia and Romania. EEM will also use the money collected to provide Bibles in Arabic and Farsi to … [Read more…]

In Memory of Jim Garrett

Jim Garrett, a deacon at Travis Peak for many years, suddenly passed on August 4th. He was a dearly cherished member and our hearts go out to his family. Visitation will be this evening, Sunday August 7th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm at Clements-Wilcox funeral home in Marble Falls. Funeral service will be held on Monday, … [Read more…]

Announcements 08/07/16

Plan on staying for lunch this Sunday, August 7th after morning worship. There is a short devotional after our monthly potluck luncheon and no 6 pm evening service. This Wednesday, August 3rd the 7 pm adult class will be finishing the study of Joseph. An introduction into the next study topic will be presented to … [Read more…]

Announcements 7-24-2016

This coming Wednesday evening (27th) regular classes will not meet. Everyone will be in the auditorium for a service of congregational singing. Have your favorite hymns picked and be ready to sing! Don’t forget the WBS benefit dinner on Friday, August 12th. RSVP is due by August 5th. For more information click here.  

Announcements 7-2-2016

We are having an ice cream social Monday, July 4th at 7 PM at the building. Bring homemade ice cream if you can, store bought is fine too! Also bring your favorite card and board games to share for an evening of fellowship. Monty Tuttle from Eastern European Mission will speak to the adult Sunday … [Read more…]

Announcements 6-18-2016

A new series on the study of grace will start in the morning adult auditorium class this Sunday, June 19th. The study will look at living God’s grace in our everyday life. Wednesday, June 22nd is our monthly singing night. There will be no regular classes, everyone will meet in the auditorium for an evening … [Read more…]

June Pantry

Items to bring for the pantry in June are canned meat (beef), instant mashed potato, green beans pudding, and chicken noodle soup (family size). Please place these items in the box provided in the foyer. Thank you for your participation.

Last Ladies Bible Class for Spring

The last Ladies Bible class before the summer break will be Tuesday, May 24th. The class will start back Wednesday, September 7th. This Wednesday evening May 25th is our monthly singing service. There will be no classes. Everyone will meet in the auditorium.

May Pantry List

The pantry list for May is beef stew, family size beef/chicken & vegetable soup, crackers, fruit cups and peanut butter.