Announcements 1-10-2016

Our youth will be returning from their trip to Winterfest in Arlington Sunday, January 17th late in the afternoon. Due to the Winterfest trip, LTC afternoon practices are cancelled for Sunday, January 17th. The LTC drama needs the congregation to save and bring empty paper towel sized cardboard tubes and large appliance size (at least … [Read more…]

Announcements 1-10-2016

The LTC drama needs the congregation to save and bring empty paper towel sized cardboard tubes and large appliance size (at least 4’) cardboard boxes. Thank you. The van will be leaving promptly at 3 PM Friday, January 15th for the trip to Winterfest in Arlington. Our youth will be returning late afternoon Sunday, January 17th. Due … [Read more…]

Announcements 1-7-2016

Lynn Tennison passed away Saturday, January 2nd. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 P.M., Saturday, January 30, 2016 in the Clifton Church of Christ, 203 S. Avenue G., Clifton, Texas 76634. Gary Moss passed away Tuesday, January 5th. His funeral will be Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 3 P.M. in the Brentwood Oaks … [Read more…]

Announcements 1-2-2016

There will be a 60th wedding anniversary reception for Cliff & Joyce Windham Thursday,  January 14th at 7 PM at the church building. The Wednesday Ladies Bible study will resume on January 6, 2016. For those that have signed up to go to Winterfest the van will leave Travis Peak promptly at 3 PM on Friday, … [Read more…]

Announcements 12-26-2015

Our New Year’s Eve Party will be Thursday, December 31st starting at 8:00 PM and going until midnight. If Camp Hensel does fireworks we will watch the show from the church parking lot. Bring games, snacks and drinks to share. Sunday, January 3rd will be the first Sunday of 2016. We will have our monthly … [Read more…]

Announcements 12-12-2015

Sunday, December 20th we will have a special contribution for the flood victims in Chennai, India where Paul Renganathan ministers. For more information, please check the bulletin board or talk with Dean.

Announcements 11-28-2015

Our next pantry distribution day is Saturday, December 5th. It will be from 9:30 – noon at the building. Our annual Christmas Party is Friday, December 18th from 6:30 – 8:30 in the fellowship area. Bring 1 wrapped ornament per person for the exchange game and finger foods.  There will also be a gingerbread house … [Read more…]

Announcements 11-15-2015

November 25th there will be a special Thanksgiving Eve service at 7 PM conducted by the Hance family. Everyone will meet in the auditorium. There will be an Eternal Threads Bazaar at Brentwood Oaks Saturday, December 5th from 9 AM – 3 PM. More information is posted on the bulletin board. November pantry items are … [Read more…]

Announcements 10/15/2015

The Sunday morning adult Bible class has started a new study of 1 Corinthians.  This Sunday, October 18th, we will cover 1 Corinthians chapter 1 The Wisdom of the Cross.       2. The next lesson series from Ray Vander Laan,  With All Your Heart Being God’s Presence to Our World, starts Sunday evening … [Read more…]