Announcements 10/10/2015
Sunday, November 1, Dan Cox, Director of Development at Cherokee Home for Children, will be speaking with us in both the Sunday adult class and worship hour.
Sunday, November 1, Dan Cox, Director of Development at Cherokee Home for Children, will be speaking with us in both the Sunday adult class and worship hour.
The Ladies Bible Class is starting a new study, From Vultures to Hummingbirds, Wednesday, September 30th at 10 AM in the fellowship area. Eastern European Mission’s Million Dollar Sunday is October 4th. More information is posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. Getting organized LTC meeting is October 4th after the potluck (around 2:00). … [Read more…]
1. The Ladies Bible Class will be finishing our current study, Crock Pot Living in a Pressure Cooker World, this coming Wednesday, September 23. A new study will start Wednesday, September 30. The book is Vultures to Humming Birds. 2. Getting Organized LTC meeting on October 4th after the potluck (around 2:00). 3. This Wednesday, … [Read more…]
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 1. Today, September 13, the service for Laura will be at 3:00 in the building with burial at the Singleton Family Cemetery. There will be a meal following the burial back at the building. There will be no evening service today. 2. Robert Colley passed away Friday morning. His memorial service will be today at … [Read more…]
Our sympathies are extended to the Franques family for the passing of Laura Franques. Her visitation will be at the Beck funeral home on Saturday, September 12 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Funeral service will be held at the Travis Peak Church of Christ building on Sunday, September 13 at 3:00 PM. We will have no … [Read more…]
Monty Tuttle from Eastern European Missions will be speaking to both the adult Sunday morning class and worship hour on Sunday, September 6th. Next Sunday, September 6, is also our monthly potluck. There will be no evening service. Ladies Day is Saturday, September 12, at the Llano Church of Christ. More information is posted on the … [Read more…]
Welcome to the digital Travis Peak Church of Christ experience! Travis Peak Church of Christ has been around for more than one hundred years in the beautiful Texas hill country. We seek to live out God’s word to the best of our abilities and serve others in a Christlike manner.