Sunday, November 20, 2022 Class Changes
This Sunday morning the auditorium class will be studying Jeremiah 22. The singing class is cancelled this Sunday however, the Last Days Theolog Bible study will be at its regular time, 7 pm.
This Sunday morning the auditorium class will be studying Jeremiah 22. The singing class is cancelled this Sunday however, the Last Days Theolog Bible study will be at its regular time, 7 pm.
This Thanksgiving Eve (November 23rd) there will be a special service of thanksgiving at 7 pm at the building. This is an annual service conducted by the Hance family during their gathering at Camp Hensel. Everyone is invited to come. The service will be in the auditorium and there will be no Bible study on … [Read more…]
The mid-week Bible study will not be meeting this Wednesday, November 2nd. Wednesday, November 9th at 7 pm the class will be starting a new study series, The Book of Joshua. If you have been thinking of joining the Bible study, it would be a good time to come. The study will be in-person at … [Read more…]
The singing class and the Last Days Theology Bible study will not be meeting October 30th or November 6th. Both classes will resume at their regular times (5:30 pm & 7 pm) Sunday, November 13th.
Two new classes are starting at Travis Peak Church of Christ Sunday and all are invited to come. Are you aware of the statement “The most important thing about singing is the words”? Come on an adventure with us as we start with this premise and learn about singing. We will be getting a better … [Read more…]
This coming Wednesday (January 12th) at 7 PM the mid-week Bible study will be starting a new series on the parables of Jesus. The purpose of the study is to help understand Jesus’ parables, what he intended to teach, the response he expected and how we can apply his parables today. Each class will include … [Read more…]
This Thanksgiving Eve there will be a special service at 7 pm at the building. This is an annual service conducted by the Hance family during their gathering at Camp Hensel. Everyone is invited to come. The service will be in the auditorium. There will be no Bible study on that Wednesday or online Zoom … [Read more…]