Author: TPManager
Ladies Bible Study
This Wednesday (March 18) Ladies Bible Study will not be meeting due to spring break.
Singing Class Postponed
Because of LTC and scheduling, the Sunday afternoon singing class is being postponed until June 14th.
March 15, 2020
We will be having our regularly scheduled 10 am Bible classes and 11 am service March 15th. Communion will be served a little differently as a precaution because of the COVID-19 virus.
New Sunday Morning Adult Study
This Sunday (March 1) morning in the adult auditorium class we will begin a new study “Life Lessons from Hebrews” by Max Lucado. The list of lessons for this 12 week study of the book of Hebrews is posted as well as suggested readings for the first lesson. Plan on joining us at 10 am!
New Study Starts This Wednesday
This Wednesday, January 29th, at 10 am the Ladies Bible class will be starting a new study, “Shine Like Stars – Becoming a Light to the World” by Sara B. Leighton. It is a thoughtful Bible study of Philippians, offering practical advice on living God’s Word and being a light to our friends and neighbors.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study Holiday Schedule
Wednesday, December 18th we will have our monthly singing service at 7 PM. Afterward we will share cookies and drinks. December 25th and January 1st, we will not be meeting. We will resume our study, “The New Testament in its World” on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 7 PM.
December Singing Service
Wednesday, December 18th we will have our monthly singing service at 7 PM. Bring cookies and drinks to share after the singing.
Ladies Bible Class Christmas Break
This Wednesday, December 11th is our annual holiday potluck! Bring a dish and a gift for the gift game. This will be our last meeting for 2019. The class will resume January 8, 2020!