New Mid-week Bible Study Starting

The mid-week Bible study will not be meeting this Wednesday, November 2nd.  Wednesday, November 9th at 7 pm the class will be starting a new study series, The Book of Joshua. If you have been thinking of joining the Bible study, it would be a good time to come. The study will be in-person at … [Read more…]

July 13th Mid-week Bible Study

Tuesdays at 7 pm we have our mid-week Bible study from the series “Life Lessons From Hebrews” by Max Lucado. The lesson for July 13th is titled GOD FORGIVES AND FORGETS and is based on Hebrews 8:1-13. If you would like to join our online Zoom Bible study email for details.

New Mid-week Bible Study

Tuesday, February 2, 2021, at 7 pm we started a study of the Sermon on the Mount based on the material by Randy Harris, “Living Jesus”. Check out the trailer for the video series List of the Lesson in the series “Living Jesus” This study will follow the same format as the one in the … [Read more…]

Bible Study Cancelled Thanksgiving Week

This Tuesday, November 24th our mid-week Bible study will not meet. We will resume December 1st at 7 pm with the next lesson in the Multiply study, “Understanding the New Testament – The Early Church”.

Sunday Evening Study

After we have put our trust in God, we will be subject to his call throughout our lives to live out his purposes for us. Our calling will certainly be to serve in our local church for the welfare of all its members. In addition to that, God’s calling can and likely will involve being … [Read more…]