Annual Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas party will be Saturday, December 15th from 6-9 PM in the fellowship area. Please bring an ornament to exchange and your favorite dish to share! This year we will be gifting Central Children’s Home in Buda with “indoor/outdoor games”. For those that would like to support this effort please bring the gifts … [Read more…]

Global Mission Sunday

What a wonderful day of giving we had on Sunday. Our special contribution for Eastern European Mission was $781.00 and for World Christian Broadcasting $601.00.  These funds help plant the seed of salvation all over the world.  Thanks again to your out pouring of giving!

Central Texas Children’s Home Can Drive

Travis Peak collected $351.18 for the Central Texas Children’s Home “Giving for change makes cents” can drive.  Thanks to everyone who participated in this effort you are to be commended.

Cherokee Children’s Home Annual Food Drive

Cherokee Day Open House and Food Drive Cherokee Day Open House and Food Drive is Saturday, May 5th.  We will have special contribution for their food drive on Sunday, April 29th.  If you would like to donate, please earmark your check or cash donation “Cherokee Food Drive”. For more information about Cherokee Children’s Home follow … [Read more…]

Announcements 12-12-2015

Sunday, December 20th we will have a special contribution for the flood victims in Chennai, India where Paul Renganathan ministers. For more information, please check the bulletin board or talk with Dean.