Annual Thanksgiving Eve Service
Thanksgiving Eve, November 22, at 7 pm there will be a special service in the auditorium. Please join us for an hour of thanking God and remembering our blessings!
Thanksgiving Eve, November 22, at 7 pm there will be a special service in the auditorium. Please join us for an hour of thanking God and remembering our blessings!
The World Bible School Austin benefit dinner is Friday, August 11 at 6:30 pm at the Renaissance Austin Hotel in the Arboretum. The featured speaker is Chris Magadu, WBS follow-up coordinator for Zimbabwe. He will share some wonderful stories of how WBS and God have been working in that country. It will be an inspiring … [Read more…]
Just a reminder, next weekend is our Garage Sale/Farmers Market/Food Bank Distribution from 9am – 4pm. If you are selling items, you need to get to the church building at 8am to start setting up for the 9am start time. Tables and chairs are available in the church building. If you are not participating but … [Read more…]
This coming Wednesday evening (27th) regular classes will not meet. Everyone will be in the auditorium for a service of congregational singing. Have your favorite hymns picked and be ready to sing! Don’t forget the WBS benefit dinner on Friday, August 12th. RSVP is due by August 5th. For more information click here.
We are having an ice cream social Monday, July 4th at 7 PM at the building. Bring homemade ice cream if you can, store bought is fine too! Also bring your favorite card and board games to share for an evening of fellowship. Monty Tuttle from Eastern European Mission will speak to the adult Sunday … [Read more…]
Congratulations Andrea and Allen! In lieu of Potluck, there will be a wedding pre-ception at the building. Brisket will be provided but please bring sides, dessert, and salads. The wedding will be held after Potluck at 2:30 at Camp Hensel on the Creek at the Dock. Instead of wedding gifts, the couple asks for … [Read more…]
Saturday, February 13th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. the youth are hosting a Valentine’s Family Game Night. Bring finger foods and drinks to share. There will also be a dessert contest! The response for the paper towel tubes has been amazing! The congregation has surpassed the need. LTC drama has plenty. Thank you.
Saturday, February 13th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. the youth are hosting a Valentine’s Family Game Night. Bring finger foods and drinks to share. There will also be a dessert contest! The LTC drama needs the congregation to save and bring empty paper towel sized cardboard tubes and large appliance size (at least 4’) cardboard boxes. Thank … [Read more…]
Our youth will be returning from their trip to Winterfest in Arlington Sunday, January 17th late in the afternoon. Due to the Winterfest trip, LTC afternoon practices are cancelled for Sunday, January 17th. The LTC drama needs the congregation to save and bring empty paper towel sized cardboard tubes and large appliance size (at least … [Read more…]
There will be a 60th wedding anniversary reception for Cliff & Joyce Windham Thursday, January 14th at 7 PM at the church building. The Wednesday Ladies Bible study will resume on January 6, 2016. For those that have signed up to go to Winterfest the van will leave Travis Peak promptly at 3 PM on Friday, … [Read more…]