Spring 2019 Garage Sale

Friday and Saturday, May 3rd and 4th, are the dates for our next food pantry distribution and church-wide garage sale. Please let Terry know as soon as possible if you plan on participating. Also, if you have items that you would like to donate to the garage sale give him a call. This event helps … [Read more…]

April Food Pantry Shopping list

The food pantry shopping list for April is spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned spinach, instant pudding, canned milk, chicken noodle soup (family size), and peanut butter. We will be distributing sacks of food during the garage sale.

July Food Pantry Shopping List

The food pantry shopping list for July is: chicken helper, canned chicken, canned corn, canned peaches, vegetable soup (family size). Please place your items in the box in the foyer that is provided. Thank you to all who help in this ministry!

June Food Pantry Shopping List

The food pantry shopping list for June is: canned meat (beef), instant mashed potato, green beans, pudding, chicken noodle soup (family size).  Please place these items in the box provided in the foyer. Thank you to all who participate in this ministry.

May Food Pantry Shopping List

The shopping list for May for our food pantry is: beef stew, beef or chicken vegetable soup (family size), crackers, fruit cups and peanut butter. Please place the items in the box that is provided in the foyer. Thank you for your participation in this ministry. Several bags of groceries were handed out during our … [Read more…]

Food Pantry Distribution

Struggling to put food on the table? We will be handing out grocery bags of food this Friday and Saturday (April 28 & 29) from 9 am – 4 pm. Got a need? We’re here to feed!

April food pantry shopping list

The pantry shopping list for April is spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned spinach, instant pudding, canned milk, chicken noodle soup (family size) and peanut butter. Please place any of these items in the box provided in the foyer. Thank you to everyone participating in this ministry.

Food Pantry and Bags for the Homeless

We will be making bags for the homeless in the month of March. Items needed for the bags are travel size toiletries, pre-packaged snacks and fleece blankets. Please place any of these donations in the box in the foyer marked for the homeless bags. The pantry shopping list for the food pantry for the month … [Read more…]

February Shopping List

February’s shopping list for the food pantry: macaroni & cheese, spam, green beans, apple sauce and chicken noodle soup (family size). Please place these items in the box that is provided in the foyer. Thank you to everyone who helps in this ministry.