Announcements 1-3-2017

Ladies don’t forget Bible study will resume this Wednesday, January 4th at 10 am. See you there! The pantry item shopping list for January is tuna helper, chicken helper, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned corn, and canned peaches. Please place your donations in the box in the foyer. We are updating the church’s subscription lists … [Read more…]

Thanksgiving Boxes

Donations for our Thanksgiving boxes are due this coming Sunday, November 13th. Please place all pantry items in the box in the foyer. Frozen turkeys and pies should go in the freezer in the kitchen. Thank you for helping with this ministry.

News 10-16-2016

We’re having a game night on Friday, October 21st, starting at 6:30 pm. Bring snacks and drinks to share and any game you wish. Also, we will have a pantry packing party at the same time. Any help is appreciated. There is a Winterfest sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer. It will … [Read more…]

October & November Food Pantry List

For October & November pantry items, we will be collecting for Thanksgiving boxes.  The dead line for the items will be Sunday, November 13th.  Items for the Thanksgiving boxes will feed a family of four: turkey (frozen), turkey gravy mix, stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes, green beans, pumpkin pie (frozen), chicken noodle soup (family size). Please place … [Read more…]

September Food Pantry List

Here is September’s food pantry shopping list: canned chili, corn bread mix, canned pears, cream of chicken soup (family size). Thanks to all who help keep our food pantry stocked.

Announcements 08/07/16

Plan on staying for lunch this Sunday, August 7th after morning worship. There is a short devotional after our monthly potluck luncheon and no 6 pm evening service. This Wednesday, August 3rd the 7 pm adult class will be finishing the study of Joseph. An introduction into the next study topic will be presented to … [Read more…]

Announcements 7-2-2016

We are having an ice cream social Monday, July 4th at 7 PM at the building. Bring homemade ice cream if you can, store bought is fine too! Also bring your favorite card and board games to share for an evening of fellowship. Monty Tuttle from Eastern European Mission will speak to the adult Sunday … [Read more…]

June Pantry

Items to bring for the pantry in June are canned meat (beef), instant mashed potato, green beans pudding, and chicken noodle soup (family size). Please place these items in the box provided in the foyer. Thank you for your participation.

May Pantry List

The pantry list for May is beef stew, family size beef/chicken & vegetable soup, crackers, fruit cups and peanut butter.