Lessons from 1 & 2 Kings

Sunday, September 15th the morning adult Bible class will begin the next section of the study “The Choices We Make”. These lessons will be from stories in 1 & 2 Kings.

Wednesday Evening Video Series

Wednesday, August 7th at 7 PM we are starting the next video series, “Promised Land”. Travel to Israel and radically change your understanding of the Scriptures. Wet your feet in the Jordan River and journey to Jericho. Ray Vander Laan will take us to the Promised Land to see how God’s people were to impact … [Read more…]

Monthly Potluck Luncheon

Sunday, August 4th is our monthly potluck luncheon after the morning service. Please come join us for the morning and stay for lunch! There will be no evening service or afternoon singing class.

Guest Speaker Sunday, July 28, 2019

Elder Lanuza, a friend of Brent and LaNae from Bolivia, will be speaking to us during the 10 AM adult auditorium class and also at 11 AM. Elder recently graduated from the Instituto Biblica Internacional de Texas (IBIT) in Houston.