Winterfest January 18-20

For those going to Winterfest in Arlington this weekend, the van is scheduled to leave the building around 3 PM this Friday.  It will be returning Sunday afternoon. Please get with Joel if you have any questions.

Winterfest 2019

There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board in the foyer for those wanting to go to Winterfest in Arlington January 18-20. The deadline to sign up is December 30th. For more information see Dean.

Caroling at The Oaks

Tuesday, December 18th at 6:00 P.M. a small group of kids from Travis Peak Church of Christ will be winding through The Oaks singing Christmas carols.  Please come walk with us, or sit on your driveway. For more information contact Andrea. We look forward to celebrating this beautiful season with you!      

Valentine’s Social

Several of the LTC youth are hosting a Valentine’s Social next Saturday, February 10 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the church. You’re asked to bring a finger food to share and a picture of someone you love.  If you have any questions contact Jennifer.

Winterfest 2018

For those going to Winterfest in Arlington the van will be leaving at 3 pm Friday, January 12, from the building. It will be returning Sunday afternoon on the 14th. There will be no Sunday afternoon LTC practices on the 14th due to the trip.

Winterfest 2018

Winterfest is January 12-14, 2018 in Arlington, TX. Those wanting to attend please sign up on the sheet in the foyer ASAP.  If you have any questions, contact Dean.

Leadership Training for Christ

The purpose of Leadership Training for Christ  (LTC) is to assist young Christians in developing their knowledge of the Bible, enhance their communication and leadership skills, and increase their abilities in areas of Christian service. Sunday evenings at 6 pm youth from grades 3 – 12 meet to study/prepare for the LTC convention in Dallas, … [Read more…]

Leadership Training for Christ 2017 Awards

We are so proud of our youth! It was amazing last Sunday to watch them perform their puppet show, drama, speeches, singing, and signing that they presented at the L.T.C. Convention. Our youth received 90 total medals: 56 gold, 9 silver and 25 bronze. A special THANK YOU to all of the volunteers so willing … [Read more…]